Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The M.Guy Tweet, Week of July 28, 2013

1. In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters, The New York Times
“Where you grow up matters,” said Nathaniel Hendren, a Harvard economist and one of the study’s authors. “There is tremendous variation across the U.S. in the extent to which kids can rise out of poverty.”

One reader's analysis: What Do These Maps Prove? Not What You Might Think

2. Marriage May Calm a Criminal Impulse in Men, Pacific Standard
[T]he men who divorced from their wives had an increase of 18 percent in their conviction rate from before the divorce, and the men who stayed married had a decrease of 80 percent in their conviction rate.

3. The Good Dad: The Transformative Power of Fatherhood for Men and Children, The Heritage Foundation
Drawing on his new book, Gender and Parenthood: Biological and Social Scientific Perspectives (Columbia, 2013), W. Bradford Wilcox will detail the ways in which fatherhood is a transformative experience for men, both biologically and socially.

4. Traditional Fatherhood Still Essential, The American Spectator
Fathers generally have firmer discipline tactics than mothers, and are more likely to encourage their children to embrace challenges. Boys with engaged fathers are less likely to be violent or delinquent, while girls are less likely to become sexually active or pregnant while teenagers.

5. Expert: Decline of Marriage Leads to Bad Outcomes for Children, Adults, The Washington Free Beacon
Men in residential marriages, on average, have lower levels of testosterone—which in high amounts is linked to aggression and infidelity—earn more than their counterparts without children, and are less likely to be depressed.

6. 4 Reasons Being Happily Married Could Make You A Better CEO, Forbes
In fact, researchers. . . found that non-married women have a 50% higher mortality rate than married women while non-married men have a remarkable 250% higher mortality rate than married men.

7. The Four Things That Kill a Relationship Stone Dead, PsychBlog
Amongst the factors he identified, four have stood out, time and time again. When Gottman sees a couple's communication overrun with these, the chances are they will divorce in an average of around six years from their marriage.

For more, see here.

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