Monday, December 14, 2015

The M.Guy Tweet, Week of December 6, 2015

1. The Link Between A College Education And A Lasting Marriage, Pew Research
College-educated women have an almost eight-in-ten chance of still being married after two decades.

2. Mobility And Money In U.S. States: The Marriage Effect, The Brookings Institute
As Sara McLanahan and Isabel Sawhill note in the most recent issue of Princeton and Brookings’ Future of Children, “most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes.”

3. How To Save Your Marriage During An Argument, Deseret News National 
"Evidence [...] suggests that feeling understood during conflict may buffer against reduced relationship satisfaction, in part because it strengthens the relationship and signals one's partner is invested. . ."

4. 2 Maps Show How Marriage Has Changed In America During The Last 35 Years, Business Insider
First, the rates were much higher 35 years ago than they are today for every single state. In fact, the differences were so stark that we had to use two different color scales for the maps — otherwise the 1980 map would be completely dark or the 2015 would be completely light.

5. How Many Married People Have Thought About Divorce?, Family Studies
Many respondents had thought about divorce in the past but decided to stay married, and almost all of them are glad they did. . . So thinking about divorce isn’t always a sign of imminent separation. 

6. Sticks And Stones: Words Can Deceive — Tone Of Voice Cannot, USC News
A new computer algorithm can predict whether you and your spouse will have a stronger or weaker relationship based on the tone of voice used when speaking to each other.

7. Strengthening The Three Pillars Of The American Dream: Education, Work, and Marriage, Family Studies
Promote. . . a public information campaign highlighting the benefits of becoming a parent only within the context of a committed relationship (which, for most, means marriage).

For more, see here.  

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